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Your One-Stop Manufacturing Solution Partner In INDIA

Streamlining your vision, from concept to production.

INDIA DIRECT is your trusted partner for efficient and high-quality manufacturing across various industries. We've transformed from a sourcing service into a comprehensive business platform, to diverse client needs and exceeding expectations.

Indian Architecture
Car Factory

About Us

Global Reach, Local Expertise

Our offices in India and Israel empower us to support dozens of companies simultaneously, ensuring seamless communication and project management.

Manufacturing Expertise

We specialize in manufacturing complex molds and plastic and metal parts, utilizing advanced technologies like plastic injection, die casting, extrusion, CNC machining, sand casting, punching, and more.

Your Dedicated Team

 in India

Our team in India boasts extensive experience in production management, engineering, quality control, logistics, and finance. This diverse expertise allows us to strengthen your projects with exceptional skill and understanding.

Beyond Manufacturing  Technical Sourcing

Our services extend beyond manufacturing. We act as your technical sourcing partner, identifying the best manufacturers and suppliers worldwide. We ensure quality through rigorous testing and manage global shipping logistics for your convenience.

Our Services

Technical procurement

The company manages technical procurement for diverse components, including assembly lines as complementary procurement for BOM. We buy only from the highest quality 

manufacturers meeting the highest quality

 standards and offering competitive prices to our clients.


The company manages assembly lines for 

various components using complementary 

technologies such as painting ,pasting,

 complementary manufacturing, and more.


The company specialises in manufacturing plastic injection moulds, steel components based on various technologies, and injection plastic products, all with high 

precision manufacturing, small and large-scale projects.

In Industry

 Indian Chai

Customer Support

Our dedicated support team is committed to your satisfaction. We work closely with you to ensure every product meets your exact specifications, providing adjustments and alterations until complete satisfaction is achieved.


​Partner with INDIA DIRECT and experience the difference of a truly comprehensive manufacturing solution.

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